Thursday, January 5, 2012

Found this fun and funny work out! We can do these while cooking dinner!!!

Reluctantly Healthy



  1. And FYI: my horoscope from yesterday is the best inspiration for getting up early and going to the gym or going after work. You can borrow it any time.... "something that now requires a great deal of discipline to accomplish will require far less discipline once you've established a series of habits to support the activity. Keep going." I decided this meant that I should make my gym bag awesome and pre-stocked and get a whole set up of bath products and makeup to keep at work so I can shower and change right after the gym. No more forgetting water or shoes or makeup or a towel- I'll just be all set, all the time. And I can buy more bath stuff! Chris and I are take-two-ing on vegetables for dinner and the warrior diet dinner. I've got Tom convinced to Zumba at home with me tonight and I had a great workout this morning. And privately (between you and me) I'm looking forward to beating Kate Hodge at losing 10 pounds! A little competition between friends is never a bad thing. I'll text you in the morning to go to the gym- what time do you have to get up?
    Hope you're having a healthy delicious dinner!
    Love you!

  2. Hi sister!
    Sorry, I had an early morning meeting and passed out early last night!!! I LOVE your horoscope and will use that from now until my wedding!! ;)
    Its always good to be prepared - with a packed bag and pre-gym snack (I love the 100 calorie Clif bars!)
    YAY Warrior diet! I'm glad Chris is getting involved! And look out Tom! That's awesome that he'll do Zumba with you! I'm sure he can shake that bootie of his! B won't go to Zumba with me... sigh. I still go and shimmy my heart away!!!
    And... BEAT KATE! :) It's always good to have a little healthy competition. Speaking of, my work is starting a Biggest Loser next week! I'm totally doing it - it helped me to lose weight for my 30th. And having someone know how much I weight EVERY WEEK keeps me motivated and I think twice about what I put in my mouth!!!
    Did you get to the gym this am? I didn't - but I'm heading to NYC for the weekend and plan to get B out and movin! I think we are going to a Yoga class tomorrow!!! :) If I do get up for the gym, its normally around 5:30-5:40 to make the 6:00 am classes. PHEW! That's early!
    I had a LOVELY dinner. I made a stir fry with these rice noodles - basically they have nothing in them but are delish! I will have to let you know what they are. But I added ground turkey, broccoli, spinach, mushrooms and whatever else I could find for veggies. YUM! What did you have? We need to start sharing recipes!!!!!!!

    Let's be good this weekend! And share if we were not... :)

  3. Hey love,
    So yesterday I wasn't near my computer and I can't seem to update from my phone but I wanted to check in with you. I've lost 2 pounds this week! I only drank on Friday (which is huge for me, not even a beer after work) and I worked out 4 days. I'm going to add a day of exercise to my usual routine and go to the gym at least one day of the weekend. I usually skip out to spend time with Chris and be lazy and usually hungover one day, but I'm going to change that to really kick it up and get out of this rut. I also challenged myself on the stair machine and the Precor and upped my level from 8 to 10 and from 30 to 40 minutes. I burned 150 more calories than I usually do and was really sweating. I'm looking for ways to shake up my routine- I was reading about ruts and backslides. It seems like the best way to get out of a rut is to just change something. It sounds so simple and it is- I just had to realize I was stuck!
    Tom did home Zumba on the kinect with me for about 10 minutes. He was huffing and puffing and kept sitting down. On the beginner level. I was laughing so hard.
    I've been doing pretty great at breakfast- one egg instead of 2 or oatmeal. And half a whole wheat english muffin instead of a whole. I feel like I have better control at work or by myself so if I save some calories for dinner I'll be less likely to go over my daily limit when Chris is influencing me or that wine is calling my name.
    How are you doing this weekend? Did you make it to yoga? It must be so hard for you to keep up all the good work and good habits of the week on the weekend when your routine has to change and you can't really cook in your kitchen. That will be another awesome part of Brendan moving in with you. Some weekend stability!
    Love you, so proud of you and all your hard work!
    Maybe we can figure out how I can actually make an entry instead of just replying to your post?

  4. And I think this is what we'll have for dinner tonight. So good, so cheap, and so few calories I can have a beer. xoxoxo

  5. hey love
    I'm ignoring football right now which has clearly taken over my living room. Ugh. They boys are so into it. I got up early this morning and went to yoga with Kate, it was so nice to stretch and be warm. I made it in to some half handstand armrest thing that I've never done before and it was awesome.

    I did pretty well yesterday, got a lot of sleep and didn't drink any booze. I have to drink more water though. I keep getting dehydrated from working out and not catching up.

    I'm checking out a new gym this week. It's a way nicer (and kid free) setup than the Y and has morning classes I can do before work. I may try to keep both gyms for a while since I do like working out with Kate at the Y but she really doesn't go that often. I had a run in with a creep on the precor the other day and was reminded how much people suck when there are only 2 machines to fight over. And it's dirty. But I love body pump and the yoga class there. It's so cheap that I think I can swing both.

    Tell me about your weekend and your plans for working out this week. Miss you, hope you had a great time.

  6. HI! First, how was dinner Sat night? It looked delish! I am still trying not to drink until March. So far so good... haven't had a sip since New Years Eve! (Except I made those steamers in beer - but I don't think that counts especially because it was beer, not even my drink of choice!) ;)

    Football, fooseball. Between you and me, I'm SO glad the Steelers are out! Tee he he. I'm horrible! But no more football for us! YES!

    How was yoga! SO proud of you for doing that said move! I'm trying Yoga tonight... wish me luck! We didn't go... sigh. Brendan signed up to work on Sat so we missed the class. Next time I'll make him go! And if not, Tommy's old roomie LOVES Zumba and she said I can join her when I'm in NYC. :)

    Kid free gym.... where you were going, were there kids running around? Crazy... my gym has a daycare, but they are always in the little room. I hate creepy gym people! EW! What happened?!

    B and I were VERY lazy this past weekend. But I behaved. It is hard - he knows I'm being healthy and to be honest, just doesn't get it. He made me dinner Fri night - beef stew and mashed potatoes. And was TOTALLY convinced that it was healthy because it had veggies in it... I had a small helping!! I need to work on him!!!!

    This week I have Yoga tonight, Zumba tomorrow, cardio and legs or arms Wed, Body Pump Thurs am, and then Friday .... I GET MY RING! I should go to the gym Fri morning and do something.... may need an am text for that!!! :)

    Keep up the awesome work! You're rocking it!

    How do we get you on this thing....
